NYKAA ! Share for Your Future Portfolio

Nykaa , FSN E-Commerce Ventures Ltd is a company which hold value for future. If we deeply dive into the topic of cosmetic ,fashion industry then India is just starting where younger population is experimental with their looks and appearance . Young people are spending way more money for fashion related products

McKinsey and Company has reported following data for future projection of fashion related trends


If we talk about one brand product , some product may lead the market or some will fail, but in case you are marketplace website i.e you are eCommerce website hosting multiple brand products and also launching own brands which of course based on market research on sale and more certain about potential customer you could gain behemoth profit out of it . Below is sale data of sales through eCommerce provided by  and Company

Smaller size of courier and higher valued product will lead to great margin, Nykaa also moved to brick and mortar business which will add to its sale in coming future .So invest and sit relax its share will go up and get you rich in future

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